With a combination of the after-effects of the pandemic and perimenopausal weight gain and brain fog, I often feel like a stranger to the person looking back at me in the mirror. I know that I need to make changes, but I'm overwhelmed at where to begin.

That's why I've decided to embark on a personal journey of rediscovering my identity, overcoming self-doubt, and finding balance in my life. As a working mum in mid-life, I understand the challenges of juggling multiple responsibilities and trying to find time for yourself.

I'll be sharing my own experiences and insights on how to become more active, change diet habits, and find purpose and passion beyond the daily grind. I'll be discussing topics such as self-care, procrastination and over coming the inner critic.

I am beyond grateful to have manifested my blog launch and soon to come podcast. I am eagerly anticipating a year of transformation emotionally, physically and spiritually I am on a path of rediscovery to live my best life. I am excited to engage with subject matter experts along this journey and share their valuable insights and perspectives.

If you're feeling lost, overwhelmed, or just in need of a little inspiration and motivation, Subscribe and join me on this journey.